Tuesday, October 31, 2017

An Insignificant Supporter

An Insignificant Supporter
(Open letter to AK & KV)
Dear Arvindji,
I am an insignificant supporter of AAP, based out of Chicago. I have supported AAP monetarily & by various intangible means. I did this & will continue to do so for my conscience & not a favor to anyone. I write this letter to give you a 10,000 ft view, because sometimes if you are so close to a situation you may not get a clear view.
Getting to the direct core of the message – I strongly believe Kumar Vishvasji should be one of your Rajya Sabha representative & if your heart is bigger you should nominate Yogendra Yadavji & Prashant Bhushanji as well. However the least you can do is to include Kumar Vishvasji. I have visualized him tearing the opposition apart in Rajyasabha & it will break a lot of heart if this don’t happen. I understand that there might be lot of things (conspiracies, Misunderstandings) that would have happened among all of you guys, but you should rise above all that to take a decision better in long term perspective.
I will still support AAP with you, without you, because AAP is a party with a difference.

Dear Kumar Vishvasji,
You are a problem solver. I believe there is no alternative to you for Rajya Sabha seat. However, if for whatever reason, it do not happen. Please stay cool & not leave the party for the bigger goal.
I will still support AAP with you, without you, because AAP is a party with a difference.
I think, I resonate the voice of many insignificant supporters.

Kishore Jhunjhunwala

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Peter Potter

Peter Potter has some water
water has a little daughter
daughter has a helicopter
helicopter gets Peter Potter
Peter Potter gets his water
water gets its little daughter
daughter gets her helicopter.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

What you Say when you talk to yourself

A Sensible, Pragmatic person, once asked  Zig- Ziglar “These motivation mumbo, jumbo does not work in long run, they are temporary”.

Zig Ziglar responds “Of course Motivation is not permanent. But then, neither is bathing.
                            But it is something you should do on a regular basis”

I think both the statements are true.

While most people are unable to keep up the New Year resolutions, beyond January, there a much selected few, who do.
There are few people in every sphere of life, who achieve exceptional results.
How do they motivate themselves on a daily basis? 
We will probe on this topic in next few minutes.

My topic is “What you say, when you talk to yourself”. This is a best seller book, written by Shad HelmStetter. This has been translated in more than 65 languages & is top 10 PMA book of all time.

 There are two purpose of this this blog
1.       I want to re-inforce the message given in the book to myself.
2.       Make you aware of the golden nuggets in the book, which might inspire you, to read the complete book & implement the learning.

The best thing I like about the book is, it takes a very practical approach & not the usual ra ra motivation steps.
 Like for example, all of you will agree that tomorrow in a classroom in Israel, a boy or a girl will think that Palestine is bad.  Same thing will happen in a classroom in Palestine as well.
They will develop & nurture this belief to their adulthood.
Some of them will join the army & eventually kill each other.

Is the Action of killing each other is the source of the problem? No.
Is the Belief that these people developed in their childhood, source of the problem? No
The source of the problem is the programming they received as kids.
The good news is – like any other computer program, this programming can be reversed as well.

According to the author, the programming language that can used on ourselves is called self –Talk.

This is the secret sauce of the success that most successful people have
For example Jim Carrey –
At 19, he headed to Hollywood. He was one of many wannabe actors trying to make it big in tinsel town. He used to drive his Toyota to Hollywood hills, overlooking los-Angeles he daydreamed of his success.
One day just to make himself feel better, he wrote himself a check of 10 million dollar & postdated it for 10 years & kept in his wallet & check it every day.
The check got severely deteriorated but, he eventually made those 10 million signing Ace-Ventura.

Another example is Suze Orman – During her struggling days, she use to write “ I am a young, powerful successful person, making at least $10,000 every month”

Once you read the book, you will find “Self-Talk” as a common thread among all successful people.
Some of them did it knowingly, but most of them did it unknowingly.

According to the Author, you can program your brain in various way. If you imagine your brain as a CPU(with Motherboard, RAM & ROM). The five senses would be the input devices to your brain.
What you see, what you hear, what you speak, what you touch, what you smell – all can program your brain both in positive or negative way.

At the end, I will come back to what Zig Ziglar said “Motivation is like taking bath, it needs to be done on daily basis”.
Using this book, I am sure we can all learn how to motivate ourselves, how to program ourselves towards the path of success.